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Case Studies

Find case studies illustrating ethical issues for high school and college students.

Case studies for college students can also be viewed by the following categories:

Academic Integrity

Alcohol and Drugs

Dating and Relationships



Family Ties

Friendship and Roommates


Fraternities and Sororities

Student Government

Social Media

Beyond the Campus

  • Can you extend the benefits of your student government position to your friends? When does it go too far?

  • Does the unconscious use of derogatory terms contribute to harmful stereotypes or does everyone understand that they don't really mean anything?

  • Is it ethical to treat employees as a cog in a machine, or a means instead of an end?

  • What defines a charitable act? Are greek philanthropy weeks actually charitable or just an excuse to party?

  • When does friendship overstep it's boundaries? How do you deal with a friend who is a mooch?

  • When Mark lies to a girl about calling her back, he thinks he's being nice. What are the ethics behind telling the truth?

  • Lucy struggles to spread her wings when she gets a job on the other side of the country from her family, in a case about career opportunity versus family responsibility.

  • Two friends compete over the same job opening.

  • Frank's friends think he's depressed when he decides to stop engaging in the hook-up culture. Is it as acceptable to not hook-up as it is to hook-up in the college culture?

  • Do you believe the desire to be in a Greek organization—even one that hazes—should outweigh a college student’s moral conscience?

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