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Department ofPsychology

Tim Urdan

Tim Urdan


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Michigan
Combined Program in Education and Psychology


Teaching and Motivation in Education Lab

Much of my research has focused on student motivation and how classroom factors and culture influence the academic motivation of adolescents and early adults. I am particularly interested in differences between first, second, and third-generation students in motivation and achievement. My recent work has examined teacher identity, teacher emotions, and teacher-student relationship quality. Currently, I am conducting a mixed-method study examining how teacher identity and emotions influence the quality of teacher-student relationships in the U.S., Greece, and Germany.


I have consulted with several businesses and organizations on a range of issues including how to enhance employee motivation and productivity, understanding adolescent development, and how to conduct statistical analyses and use statistics more effectively. For more information please email me directly.

Selected Books
Urdan, T. (2022). . Routledge.

Ryan, A., Urdan, T., & Anderman, E. (2018). . Pearson.

Urdan, T. & Gonida, S. E. (2023) (Eds.). . Emerald.

  • PSYC 40: Statistical Data Analysis
  • PSYC 112: Motivation and Emotion
  • PSYC 134: Psychology of Education
  • PSYC 172: Adolescent Development
  • PSYC 185: Developmental Psychology I
  • LBST 196: Eastside Future Teacher Project Seminar

Urdan, T. (in press). Where ethnic and cultural identity meet situational demands: Implications for methodologies used to study motivation. To appear in G. Hagenaur, R. Lazarides, & H. Jarvenoja (Eds.) Motivation and emotion in learning and teaching across educational contexts: Theoretical and methodological perspectives and empirical insights. European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction.

Urdan, T. & Teramoto, D. (2023). Making it better: Stuart Karabenick’s contribution to the field of cognitive pretesting. To appear in T. Urdan and E. Gonida (Eds.) Advances in Motivation and Achievement, v. 22. Emerald Press.

Urdan, T. (2023). The uneasy relationship between conscious and non-conscious motives. To appear in M. Bong, S. Kim, and J. Reeve (Eds.) Motivation science: Controversies and insights. New York: Oxford University Press.

Urdan, T. (2023). Understanding motivation: So much is known, so much left to learn. To appear in M. Bong, S. Kim, and J. Reeve (Eds.) Motivation science: Controversies and insights. New York: Oxford University Press.

Urdan, T., & Teramoto, D. (2021). Ethnic identity, implicit associations, and academic motivation of Hispanic adolescents. Adolescents, 1, 252-266.

Urdan, T., & Kaplan, A. (2020). The origins, evolution, and future directions of achievement goal theory. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61.

Boheim, R., Urdan, T., Knogler, M., Seidel, T. (2020). Student hand-raising as an indicator of behavioral engagement and its role in classroom learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 62.

Urdan, T., Sharma, N., & Dunn, M. (2019). Motivation and achievement of immigrant students in times of economic and political instability. In E. Gonida & M. Lemos Advances in Motivation and Achievement, v. 20. Emerald Press.

Urdan, T., & Arguetta-Vogel, Amando (2019). Student attitudes and academic achievement: Antecedents and consequences. In D. Alberracin & B. Johnson (Eds.) Handbook of Attitudes. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Urdan, T. & Bruchmann, K. (2018). Examining the academic motivation of a diverse student population: A consideration of methodology. Educational Psychologist, 53, 114-130.

Urdan, T., & Schoenfelder, E. (2006). Classroom effects on student motivation: Goal structures, social relationships, and competence beliefs. Journal of School Psychology, 44, 331-349.

Urdan, T., & Mestas, M. (2006). The goals behind performance goals. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98, 354-365.

Urdan, T. (2004). Predictors of academic self-handicapping and achievement: Examining achievement goals, classroom goal structures, and culture. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 251-264.